The Wisdom of the Light

This Week's Great Eclipse

Wow, an hour and forty-three-minute eclipse. The longest eclipse of the century. Unexpected events, it is there. Dancing with Mars. Unexpected events changes if you are in a relationship that hasn't been working, from January till now, till January of next year, it will show itself to you. The relationship, whether it be a business relationship or a loving relationship, things will come to the surface.

Eclipses are powerful. I don't know how many of you slept the other night, was it Friday night? The Eclipse. If you feel strange energies in your bodies, this is the most powerful eclipse that we have had in a long, long time.

In many kingdoms in the past, astrologers and astronomers decided when battles would take place and new laws and many other things went into effect, right after an eclipse. There is actually a phrase in the study of astrology that starts with the first eclipse after your birthday, about how you choose to be in your life. It is a very interesting time. Whoever, whatever, stuff. Things beyond the surface will come to show itself to you, to the public, to anything.

This is a time for all that deep stuff in you that you have been in denial about, to come up and raise its head. Happily, ugly, gently, violently, lovingly. This is a very powerful period in the development of your personality and your spiritual development.

If you get a chance, go online, and for some of you I know all this astrology doesn't make sense, but just gently read through the definition and what they are saying about this eclipse. It will give you a personal starting point for your meditation, your personal work, mental, emotional, and spiritual work.

The Wisdom of the Light

Speaking about you today, about the wisdom and light. Look, you all know that if you don't see sunlight for days and days, thirty or sixty days, you can get a disease and get sick. You know that the Alaskan people have to take a lot of vitamin C when it gets dark. We know that the light is important to us. We know that if we have a wound or a scar that we put it out into the sunlight because the sunlight has powerful, and sometimes miraculous healing.

I want to talk to you about that light. I want to talk to you about other types of light. Each place, each tree, each plant; whether you can see it or believe it, emanates its own light. If you were to have a carnelian photo taken, each plant has its own aura. If you cut the leaf in two off a plant, and you take a picture of that plant, the aura of the rest of the leaf is there.

Now, there is much wisdom in getting a light. How many people need to be in nature? If you walk in the woods, or you go sit out and look at the birds, whatever it is that you do, there is a wisdom of the light of nature that brings us back to certain places, be it in this lifetime or other lifetimes. Each community in itself, the spiritual community, would have a color, a rainbow, various currents of light surrounding it. When you belong to a community, that community gives you light. There is wisdom in that light.

Now, Oh boy. You live in Hot Springs. You live in the Village or somewhere in between. What do you do for your community? How do you propagate that light? How can you gain the wisdom? There is a mix, vast, wonderful mix in Hot Springs of people of all sorts of religions and races. Together under the corporate entity of Hot Springs, and Hot Springs Village, go down the road, and there are many other communities, you need to absorb that, and you need to participate in that. You need to feed your community. It supports you. You live in it, whether you acknowledge it or not.

Do I want to say, " Oh, Hot Springs? It's in the bible belt. In Arkansas. Oh my, I don't want to be here." But I have been here for years and years. Do I want to be foolish and not acknowledge the wisdom of the light, living in my community?

Each building from all the people who have walked talked, and been in it, each building has its own light. Oh, I can tell you, libraries and churches feel very different, but sometimes they can feel the same because education and experience is going on there. When was the last time you did something for your library? Did something for your church? Light comes in one hundred-forty-four ways. It comes to you. You can accept it or reject it with your words.

" I am not a Democrat. I am not a Republican. I don't like how this country is running."

Too bad. You are living in it. You are getting light. If you don't like it, move. Whatever pay attention; where ever you are there are streams of light. You're ethnic originality, your family, are the greatest teachers and givers of wisdom. Some of us, we are born into families that teach us how not to be versus teaches us how to be. So, get on your hands and knees to that father or mother who did not treat you well, and say " Thank you, for teaching me how not to be."

Now, the most important source of light is you. Each one of us is a combination, and at any given moment, we can be a different combination of the hundred forty-four different lights. Some of us run four or five really strongly. Some of us run thirty lights. Every time you are in the presence of a person you get fed. I don't care if it is a street person, a guru, a musician, a chef, or a massage therapist, I don't care who you are with you have the ability to gain light.

You know, about twenty years ago there was this thing, and all of a sudden everyone said, " Oh my God, you need full spectrum lighting." Because these lights don't give you all the rays of light that sunlight does, you will be unhealthy. Now they even recommend for autistic children and children with learning difficulties that you put full spectrum lights in their rooms.

I believe that if you sit at home, that if you don't connect with people, that if you don't contribute to your community, you may have an inadequate diet of light. What does that mean? When I go to understand my prayer, when I have a lack of something, and I am praying and praying, (back to where we started from in the reading), I do not understand the remedy, the prayer. I don't do my work well. It takes me longer to do my work.
Whoever supports you, that is who you support. Then it becomes a Mobius of Light. Whoever energetically, physically, feeds you, supports you, you support them in return. If your mind can't bring you to support the US government, then support the people. Support the homeless, the vets, the blind, the deaf. How about just regular people who need someone to listen to them. You may be starving. You may be three hundred pounds and starving for light, from a building, from a church, from nature or a person, a flower, from feeding, from helping, from participating in your community. There is wisdom in the light. The more light you have, the more you see, feel, and hear what needs to shift and change in you.

I have been teaching for sixty years. I will be eighty next year. I am going to tell you one thing, well, probably I will tell you a million things, but change is constant. You always have something to work on, to complete. If you are done working, you die.

You need to multiply your light. What do you do for your community? What do and be for the people who support you? What do you do and be for the people in need? I strongly suggest, that you look, feel, get some feedback from your friends. How much do I support the community? How much do I support other people? How much do I support nature? How much do I support the buildings and the land that provide service for me?

There is wisdom in the light. Meet everybody you can. Talk to everyone you can. Share whenever you can. And most importantly know, that the more you receive light, the faster your spiritual progress goes.